Nicknames: Coach Dom, Hulk
Birthday: Dec 13
Favorite Local Triathlon: Alabama Coasta - Olympic distances are my favorite
Bucket List Races:
- Leadville - which I'm doing this year
- Escape From Alcatraz - awesome scenery & a tough challenge
- Boston Marathon - you have to qualify
- Kona - the Super Bowl of tris
How I Got Into This: I was challenged by a friend of mine to do the now defunct Bold Eagle Tri since I had turned into a fat ass. I figured why not and fell in love with the sport.
Favorite Part of a Tri: Definitely the bike - I like the feeling of freedom that you get on it. If you stop pedaling (not that I would) you will coast but if you stop running you don't move and if you stop swimming you drown! Plus I'm a gadget guy and there's lots of gadgets for your bio ;)
Goals: Each season I always want to do better than I did the season before - person PRs, be a better ambassador to the sport, and see my athletes perform their best!
Nutrition Advice: My go-to drink during races is Skratch's raspberry and after is chocolate milk or BEER!
FYI: I used to weigh 270 lbs, was a semi-pro football player, & am a total geek.
Day Job: Gigilo
Why GCCT Rocks: Ever since I've been associated with GCCT I have always felt a part of a family. It's also tone of the few shops that I feel comfortable bringing my kids & friends to without fear of what they may overhear. The GCCTri Team will be one which we support each other and will be happy for our successes both on & off the field.
2016 Race Schedule:
- 4/3 - SOML Du
- 4/9 - Skyway Epic
- 4/16 - Mulletman Tri
- 4/17 - Scratch Ankel
- 4/23 - Tri The Island
- 5/1 - USAT off-road Nationals
- 5/21 - Xterra Oak Mountain
- 6/4 - Grandman
- 7/9 - Muncie 70.3
- 7/23 - Heart of Dixie
- 8/13 - LEADVILLE
- 9/10 - Alabama Coastal
- 10/1 - SRITRI
- 3rd Cat 5 Masters at Battle of the Equestrian Cross Cycling Race
- 1st AG at Michah 5K
- 2nd OA Footprints
- 3rd OA Rat Race
- 1st AG, 11th OA at Santa Rosa Island Tri
- 2nd AG, 15th OA at Alabama Coastal
- 3rd AG, 11th OA at Sandestin Tri
- 2nd AG, 9th OA at Blackwater Xterra
- 3rd AG at Freedom Spring Tri
- 1st AG at Gary McAdams 5K
- 5th AG at Gulf Coast Half Ironman
- 2nd AG at Grandman Tri
- 3rd AG at Mulletman Tri
- 2nd AG at Alabama Coastal Olympic Tri
- 1st AG at Blackwater 50K
Instagram: tripossibilities
Facebook: Tripossibilities
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